Margarette Grey

Stories: 5

Stories by name

Sr. Intocable (Millonarios Malos #2)
Sr. Intocable (Millonarios Malos #2)
Las mujeres son maestras del engaño desde la cuna. Te drenarán el alma hasta que pierdas la fe en ti mismo. Así es como el universo gira. Por eso, mis reglas son claras y sencillas. Una sola noche. Nada de nombres verdaderos. Cero repeticiones. Cada semana, una mujer distinta. Que sea rubia, atractiva y, a ser posible, sin esperar nada más... Hasta que una mentirosa lo cambia todo. ________________________________________ Hubo un tiempo en que me enamoré perdidamente del intenso y atractivo Lucas Alejandro. Lo vi por primera vez en la boda de mi madre y mi padrastro, pero jamás imaginé que él se fijaría en mí. Porque para Lucas, yo era territorio prohibido. Sin embargo, tras seis largos años, un caprichoso giro del destino podría empezar a juguetear. *Esta novela es autoconclusiva y forma parte de la segunda entrega de la Colección Bad Boy Billionaire*
Mr. Wrong (Bad Boy Billionaires #1)
Mr. Wrong (Bad Boy Billionaires #1)
Working for the CEO of Cavendish Enterprises requires tremendous patience and time. Damon Cavendish thinks I’m an emotionless human being. But while my boss is the kind of man who exasperates me, his brother is the type of man I thought was Mr. Right—the one any woman would want to marry. Although both brothers displayed exquisite male beauty and intense sexual magnetism, Louis seems more compassionate than his older brother who roars at simple things. Determined to woo Louis Cavendish, I’d do anything to catch his eyes, including getting a makeover and taking lessons of love. However, Damon is suddenly stirring up my hormones—talking about desire and possession. It makes me want to own him. Nonetheless, both brothers are entwined with the shadows of their pasts, and it’s now coming after me. There shouldn’t be a choice. Sharing is a great sin, but I want them both. Would this be the worst decision of my life? *This is the standalone novel and the first book of the Bad Boy Billionaires Collection
Mr. Untouchable (Bad Boy Billionaires #2)
Mr. Untouchable (Bad Boy Billionaires #2)
Women are born liars. They will suck the life out of you until you don’t believe in yourself. That is how the universe revolves. So my rules are simple. One night. No real names. No repeats. Every week, it should be a different woman. She should be blonde, sexy, and preferably not expecting more... Until one liar changes everything. ________________________________________ Once upon a time, I had a crush on the intense, sexy beast, Lucas Alejandro. I first saw him at my mom and my step-father’s wedding, but I didn’t think he would ever notice me. Because for Luke, I was off-limits. But after six long years, a twist of fate could be a little playful. *This is a standalone novel and second book of the Bad Boy Billionaire Collection*
Sr. Hermoso (Millonarios Malos #3)
Sr. Hermoso (Millonarios Malos #3)
Audrey tenía dieciséis años cuando planeamos escapar y dejar todo atrás: su familia, a la que despreciaba, y ese estilo de vida opulento al que había estado acostumbrada desde su nacimiento. Sin embargo, antes de poder poseerla por completo, opté por devolverla a su mundo, y fue en ese momento cuando la muerte empezó a acecharme. A pesar de todo, sobreviví y me redescubrí. Ascendí por encima de los demás, me convertí en un hombre distinto, en un multimillonario. Ocho años más tarde, Audrey reapareció en mi vida. Se presentó en mi empresa para una entrevista, buscando ser mi asistente ejecutiva. Pero por más que me repita que debo superar el tormento que me causó, que debería hacerla pagar y sufrir por lo que hizo, todavía la deseo con intensidad, quiero poseerla, reclamarla como mía. *Esta novela es autoconclusiva y forma parte de la tercera entrega de la serie Bad Boy Billionaires.*
Mr. Beautiful (Bad Boy Billionaires #3)
Mr. Beautiful (Bad Boy Billionaires #3)
Audrey was sixteen when we were supposed to run away and leave everything behind—her family who she resented and the extravagant lifestyle she had always known since she was born. But before I could claim her body, I decided to bring her back, and that was when death came after me. Nonetheless, I survived and reclaimed myself. I become a man above anyone else. I became a billionaire. After eight years, I saw Audrey again. She came into my company for an interview—an executive assistant interview. But no matter how I tell myself that I should move on from the agony she caused me, and make her pay and suffer for what she did, I still fucking want her, own her, and claim her. *This is a standalone novel and the third collection of the Bad Boy Billionaires Series*
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